It is no longer necessary to login to the Off Campus Access page to access the library’s resources.
Many of the Baylor Health Sciences Library’s eResource providers are currently, or are planning to, update their online security protocols in a way that will no longer work with the library’s present Off Campus Access tool, Ezproxy. As a result the library has been working diligently for months to migrate our access to a new system, OpenAthens that will eliminate these problems. However, this update will change the access method of our electronic resources for all patrons both on and off campus.
Accessing electronic resources through the library’s web site will now route users through their institution’s network login method (Shibboleth for College of Dentistry patrons and SecureAuth for BSWH patrons.)
As of August 20, 2018, this new access system is in place for most of our eResources being accessed by users off campus. Changes affecting on campus access will continue to be made in the coming months. Users accessing eResources through Primo All Search will already see changes in the access method whether on or off campus.
In addition, many of our provider’s web sites are “OpenAthens” aware, providing patrons with the ability to login via OpenAthens directly from their web sites (i.e. without going first going to the BHSL web site). Below is an example of logging into the New England Journal of Medicine using OpenAthens. Other sites should use similar language and links:
- Click on the Sign in link at the top-right of the page. (On other sites this could be “login” or something similar, and will almost always be located at the top of the page somewhere.)

- Below the usual sign in boxes, click on the link to Login via OpenAthens. (On other sites this could say Login via your Institution, or maybe Login via Shibboleth.)

- Select the Login via OpenAthens

- In the Find your organisation box type in “baylor” and hit enter. The result shows all matching institutions.

- Select the Baylor Health Sciences Library link. Alternatively, BSWH-NTX patrons could select the Baylor Scott and White Health – North Texas (NTX) link.
- In the pop-up menu, select the institution appropriate for you.

- From here you’ll be directed to your institution’s single sign on (SSO) tool’s website where you can login using the credentials you use for all other on campus logins (computers, email, etc.).
- Texas A&M College of Dentistry: Shibboleth
- Baylor Scott & White Health – NTX: SecureAuth
Please let the library staff know if you have any problems or questions by calling 214-828-8151.
Thanks for your patience during this transition.