How to Optimize Your Research During a Pandemic – A Summary of Discussions From the Association for Academic Surgery Town Hall and Lessons Learned From 2020.

Anji Wall, M.D.
Kitano, M., S. Keswani, L. Erdahl, B. Bankhead-Kendall, A. Wall, K. Bilimoria and E. Kim (2021). “How to Optimize Your Research During a Pandemic – A Summary of Discussions From the Association for Academic Surgery Town Hall and Lessons Learned From 2020.” J Surg Res Aug 11;268:244-252. [Epub ahead of print].
The year 2020 was an unprecedented year for all of us, including for the academic surgery research community. Both stay-at-home and social distancing restrictions posed challenges to our personal and professional lives. The Association for Academic Surgery held its inaugural webinar-based panel discussion titled Association for Academic Surgery Town Hall with its topic on how to optimize research during a pandemic. This article summarizes the highlights from that discussion and lessons learned from the academic surgery research community in 2020.