Genetic disease and intellectual disability as contraindications to transplant listing in the United States: A survey of heart, kidney, liver, and lung transplant programs.

Anji Wall, M.D.
Wall, A., Lee, G.H., Maldonado, J. and Magnus, D. (2020). “Genetic disease and intellectual disability as contraindications to transplant listing in the United States: A survey of heart, kidney, liver, and lung transplant programs.” Pediatr Transplant Sep 30;e13837. [Epub ahead of print.]. e13837.
Discrimination based on disability is prohibited in organ transplantation, yet studies suggest it continues in listing practices for intellectual disability and genetic diseases. It is not known if this differs between adult and pediatric programs, or by organ type. We performed an online, forced-choice survey of psychosocial listing criteria for adult and pediatric heart, kidney, liver, and lung transplant programs in the United States. Of 650 programs contacted, 343 (52.8%) submitted complete. A minority of programs had formal listing guidelines for any condition considered (Down Syndrome, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Becker Muscular Dystrophy, DiGeorge Syndrome, and Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome; and mild [IQ < 70] and severe [IQ < 35] intellectual disability), although a majority had encountered most. Pediatric programs were significantly (P < .02) more lenient in the level of contraindication to listing for all genetic conditions considered except Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, and for mild and severe intellectual disability. Level of contraindication differed significantly by organ type (heart, lung, liver, and kidney) for Duchenne Muscular dystrophy (P = <.001), Becker Muscular Dystrophy (P < .001), DiGeorge Syndrome (P < .001), Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (P = .0012), and severe intellectual disability (P < .001). There is significant variation among transplant programs in availability of guidelines for as well as listing practices regarding genetic diseases and intellectual disability, differing by both adult vs pediatric program, and organ type. Programs with absolute contraindications to listing for specific genetic diseases or intellectual disability should reframe their approach, ensuring individualized assessments and avoiding elimination of patients based on membership in a particular group.