Safety and efficacy of ledipasvir/sofosbuvir with or without ribavirin in hepatitis C genotype 1 patients including those with decompensated cirrhosis who failed prior treatment with simeprevir/sofosbuvir.

Apurva Ashok Modi M.D.
Modi, A. A., H. E. Nazario, G. R. Gonzales and S. A. Gonzalez (2018). “Safety and efficacy of ledipasvir/sofosbuvir with or without ribavirin in hepatitis C genotype 1 patients including those with decompensated cirrhosis who failed prior treatment with simeprevir/sofosbuvir.” Aliment Pharmacol Ther 47(10): 1409-1415.
BACKGROUND: Combination therapy of simeprevir (SIM)/sofosbuvir (SOF) is an approved treatment for hepatitis C genotype (gen) 1 with overall SVR12 rate of 85%-95%. The single tablet fixed-dose combination of ledipasvir (LDV)/SOF is also approved for gen 1 with sustained virologic response at 12 weeks (SVR12) rates ≥95%. No data are available on the efficacy of retreatment with LDV/SOF in patients who failed initial treatment with SIM/SOF. AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of retreatment with LDV/SOF ± ribavirin (RBV) in gen 1 patients who had previously failed treatment with SIM/SOF. METHODS: Data from a combined treatment cohort of 2 hepatology centres, which included patients previously treated with SIM/SOF ± RBV for 12 weeks but failed to achieve SVR and then underwent retreatment with LDV/SOF ± RBV, were analysed (n = 30). LDV/SOF ± RBV was administered for 12-24 weeks based on the discretion of the treating hepatologist. RESULTS: Of the 30 patients, 23 (77%) were male, 77% were Caucasian and 26 (87%) were gen 1a. 26 (86%) had cirrhosis, of which 16 (62%) had decompensated, Child’s class B or C cirrhosis. Three patients were liver transplant recipients with recurrent hepatitis C. Overall, 27/30 (90%) achieved SVR. Treatment was well tolerated with 37% reporting no adverse events. The most common adverse events were fatigue, headache, insomnia and nausea. Two patients with Child’s B cirrhosis required hospitalization during treatment for variceal haemorrhage and abdominal pain respectively. However, no treatment discontinuations or deaths occurred. CONCLUSION: Single tablet fixed-dose combination LDV/SOF ± RBV is efficacious and well tolerated in patients who previously failed treatment with SIM/SOF, including those with decompensated cirrhosis and recurrent hepatitis C following liver transplantation.