Binu Tharakan Ph.D.

Posted September 20th 2020

Doxycycline improves traumatic brain injury outcomes in a murine survival model

Claire L. Isbell, M.D.

Claire L. Isbell, M.D.

Malek, A.J., Robinson, B.D., Hitt, A.R., Shaver, C.N., Tharakan, B. and Isbell, C.L. (2020). “Doxycycline improves traumatic brain injury outcomes in a murine survival model.” J Trauma Acute Care Surg 89(3): 435-440.

Full text of this article.

BACKGROUND: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) has significant morbidity and cost implications. Primary treatment modalities aim to decrease intracranial pressure; however, therapies targeting the underlying pathophysiology of a TBI are limited. The TBI-induced microvascular leak and secondary injury are largely due to proteolysis of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) by matrix metalloproteinase-9. We previously observed doxycycline’s inhibitory affinity on matrix metalloproteinase-9 resulting in preserved BBB integrity in nonsurvival murine studies. This study sought to determine the effect of doxycycline on functional motor and behavioral outcomes in the setting of a TBI murine survival model. METHODS: C57BL/6J mice were assigned to a sham, TBI, or TBI with doxycycline arm. A moderate TBI was induced utilizing a controlled cortical impactor. The TBI with doxycycline cohort received a dose of doxycycline (20 mg/kg) 2 hours after injury and every 12 hours until postoperative day (POD) 6. All mice underwent preoperative testing for weight, modified neurological severity score, wire grip, and ataxia analysis (DigiGait). Postoperative testing was performed on POD 1, POD 3, and POD 6 for the same measures. SAS 9.4 was used for comparative analysis. RESULTS: Fifteen sham mice, 15 TBI mice, and 10 TBI with doxycycline mice were studied. Mice treated with doxycycline had significantly improved modified neurological severity score and wire grip scores at POD 1 (all p < 0.05). Mice treated with doxycycline had significantly improved ataxia scores by POD 3 and POD 6 (all p < 0.05). There was no significant difference in rate of weight change between the three groups. CONCLUSION: Mice treated with doxycycline following TBI demonstrated improved behavioral and motor function suggesting doxycycline's role in preserving murine BBB integrity. Examining the role of doxycycline in human TBIs is warranted given the relative universal accessibility, affordability, and safety profile of doxycycline.

Posted February 15th 2019

The Tri-phasic Role of Hydrogen Peroxide in Blood-Brain Barrier Endothelial cells.

Binu Tharakan, Ph.D.

Binu Tharakan, Ph.D.

Anasooya Shaji, C., B. D. Robinson, A. Yeager, M. R. Beeram, M. L. Davis, C. L. Isbell, J. H. Huang and B. Tharakan (2019). “The Tri-phasic Role of Hydrogen Peroxide in Blood-Brain Barrier Endothelial cells.” Sci Rep 9(1): 133.

Full text of this article.

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) plays an important role physiologically as the second messenger and pathologically as an inducer of oxidative stress in injury, ischemia and other conditions. However, it is unclear how H2O2 influences various cellular functions in health and disease differentially, particularly in the blood-brain barrier (BBB). We hypothesized that the change in cellular concentrations of H2O2 is a major contributor in regulation of angiogenesis, barrier integrity/permeability and cell death/apoptosis in BBB endothelial cells. Rat brain microvascular endothelial cells were exposed to various concentrations of H2O2 (1 nM to 25 mM). BBB tight junction protein (zonula ocludens-1; ZO-1) localization and expression, cytoskeletal organization, monolayer permeability, angiogenesis, cell viability and apoptosis were evaluated. H2O2 at low concentrations (0.001 muM to 1 muM) increased endothelial cell tube formation indicating enhanced angiogenesis. H2O2 at 100 muM and above induced monolayer hyperpermeability significantly (p < 0.05). H2O2 at 10 mM and above decreased cell viability and induced apoptosis (p < 0.05). There was a decrease of ZO-1 tight junction localization with 100 mum H2O2, but had no effect on protein expression. Cytoskeletal disorganizations were observed starting at 1 mum. In conclusion H2O2 influences angiogenesis, permeability, and cell death/apoptosis in a tri-phasic and concentration-dependent manner in microvascular endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier.