Living Donor Uterus Transplantation: A Single Center’s Observations and Lessons Learned from Early Setbacks to Technical Success.

Giuliano Testa M.D.
Testa, G., E. C. Koon, L. Johannesson, G. McKenna, T. Anthony, G. B. Klintmalm, R. T. Gunby, Jr., A. M. Warren, J. M. Putman, G. dePrisco, J. M. Mitchell, K. Wallis and M. Olausson (2017). “Living donor uterus transplantation: A single center’s observations and lessons learned from early setbacks to technical success.” Am J Transplant: Apr [Epub ahead of print].
Uterus transplantation is a vascularized composite allograft transplantation. It allows women who do not have a uterus to become pregnant and deliver a baby. In this paper we analyze the first 5 cases of Living Donor Uterus Transplantation performed in the US. The first 3 recipients lost their uterus grafts at day 14, 12 and 6 after transplant. Vascular complications, related to both inflow and outflow problems, were identified as the primary reason for the graft losses. Two recipients, 6 and 3 months post-transplant have functioning grafts with regular menstrual cycles. Ultimate success will be claimed only after a live birth. This paper is an in-depth analysis of evaluation, surgical technique and follow-up of these five living donor uterus transplants. The lessons learned were instrumental in allowing us to evolve from failure to technical and functional success. We aim to share our conclusions and build on the knowledge in the evolving field of uterus transplantation.