Real-world clinical outcomes with first-line avelumab in locally advanced/metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma in the USA: SPEAR-Merkel.

Charles Lance Cowey M.D.
Cowey, C.L., Liu, F.X., Kim, R., Boyd, M., Fulcher, N., Krulewicz, S., Kasturi, V. and Bhanegaonkar, A. (2021). “Real-world clinical outcomes with first-line avelumab in locally advanced/metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma in the USA: SPEAR-Merkel.” Future Oncol 17(18): 2339-2350.
Aim: To assess clinical outcomes in patients with locally advanced (la) or metastatic (m) Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) initiating first-line (1L) avelumab in a USA community oncology setting. Materials & methods: Adults with laMCC or mMCC initiating 1L avelumab were identified from The US Oncology Network electronic health record database and chart review. Results: Median overall survival and progression-free survival were not reached in laMCC (n = 9) vs 20.2 and 10.0 months in mMCC (n = 19); response rates were similar (66.7% vs 63.2%). Conclusion: This is the first study to show clinical benefit in patients with laMCC receiving 1L avelumab in a US real-world setting. Response rates in patients with mMCC were consistent with pivotal trials. Lay abstract Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare and aggressive skin cancer. Because MCC progresses quickly, many patients have a poor prognosis. Avelumab is a type of drug that helps the patient’s immune system to fight cancer. Avelumab was the first such drug approved by the US FDA for treating metastatic MCC based on the results of the JAVELIN Merkel 200 clinical trial. In SPEAR-Merkel, we studied how MCC patients with locally advanced as well as metastatic disease responded when they were treated with first-line avelumab in a real-world setting. These patients were from oncology practices in communities throughout the USA. Overall response rates in SPEAR-Merkel were comparable between patients with locally advanced and metastatic MCC.