Pseudohyperchloremia and Negative Anion Gap – Think Salicylate!

Michael Emmett, M.D.
Wiederkehr, M.R., Benevides, R., Jr., Santa Ana, C.A. and Emmett, M. (2021). “Pseudohyperchloremia and Negative Anion Gap – Think Salicylate!” Am J Med.
BACKGROUND: Pseudohyperchloremia results in a very low or negative anion gap (AG). Historically, the most common cause of this artifact was bromide poisoning. Bromide salts have been removed from most medications and bromism has become very uncommon. More recently, the introduction of chloride ion selective sensing electrodes (Cl-ISE) has generated a new cause of pseudohyperchloremia – salicylate poisoning. We describe five such patients and quantitate the error generated by this measurement artifact. METHODS: The magnitude of artifactual hyperchloremia generated by high salicylate levels was quantified in five patients by measuring [Cl] with several Cl-ISEs from different manufacturers and with Cl-ISEs of different “ages” and comparing these results to measurements with a chloridometer (coulometric titration) which is free of the salicylate artifact. RESULTS: Cl-ISEs from different manufactures generated a wide range of artifactual [Cl] elevation. Furthermore, the same Cl-ISE generated increasingly severe pseudohyperchloremia as it was repeatedly reused over time and “aged”. CONCLUSIONS: Salicylate interferes with measurement of the blood [Cl] when a Cl-ISE is used. The severity of this artifact is related to the salicylate level, the specific Cl-ISE, and the “age” of the electrode. Toxic blood salicylate levels can generate marked pseudohyperchloremia, and consequently an artifactual very small or negative [AG]. The large anion gap metabolic acidosis typical of salicylate poisoning is masked by this artifact. Salicylate has become the most common cause of pseudohyperchloremia and physicians should immediately consider salicylate poisoning whenever the combination of hyperchloremia and a very small or negative anion gap is reported by the laboratory.