Leech Bite.

Kara T. Conley, M.D.
Conley, K. and A. L. Juergens (2020). Leech Bite. StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing
Leeches are hermaphroditic parasites of phylum Annelida and class Hirudinea. There are over 600 species of leeches. A minority of these are sanguinivorous and the cause of human morbidity. Historically, leeches have been used for medicinal purposes with the earliest recorded being 1500 BC. Leeches have continued to be used throughout history and most recently have been used in modern medicine primarily for reconstructive surgery. Leeches live by ingesting blood or bodily fluid. An adult leech can ingest 1 milliliter per minute of blood, and the area of attachment can bleed for 10 hours to as long as 7 days in some instances. Land leeches can penetrate thick skin, while aquatic leeches attach to mucous membranes leading to prolonged bleeding.