A preliminary 3-D comparison of rapid and slow maxillary expansion in children: A randomized clinical trial.

Peter H. Buschang, Ph.D.
Ribeiro, G. L. U., H. B. Jacob, M. Brunetto, J. da Silva Pereira, O. Motohiro Tanaka and P. H. Buschang (2019). “A preliminary 3-D comparison of rapid and slow maxillary expansion in children: A randomized clinical trial.” Int J Paediatr Dent Nov 22. [Epub ahead of print].
BACKGROUND: This study compared the effects of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) and slow maxillary expansion (SME) using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). AIM: To evaluate the skeletal and dentoalveolar effects differences produced by two different maxillary expansion protocols. DESIGN: Eligibility criteria included maxillary transverse deficiencies in children (mean age, 8.18 years old), randomly assigned to either: RME and SME. At the outcome analysis phase a sample of 29 subjects has been analyzed (RME group, N=16 and SME group, N=13). CBCT scans taken before expansion and six months later were evaluated. Five posterior and 6 anterior transverse measurements were made at different vertical levels. Treatment changes were analyzed using paired t-tests; independent t-tests were used to compare the two groups. RESULTS: There were statistically significant (p<.05) increases in maxillary width at the skeletal, alveolar and dental levels for both groups, with significantly smaller increases at the more superior than inferior levels. The RME group exhibited statistically larger width increases than the SME group for all measures except interorbital width, anterior alveolar process width, and intercanine width. The group differences were greater for anterior than posterior apical base widths. CONCLUSIONS: Rapid maxillary expansion produced greater orthopedic effects than slow maxillary expansion, with the greatest effects occurring in the anterior apical base.