Randomized controlled trial of individualized treatment summary and survivorship care plans for hematopoietic cell transplantation survivors.

Jana Reynolds M.D.
Majhail, N. S., E. Murphy, P. Laud, J. M. Preussler, E. M. Denzen, B. Abetti, A. Adams, R. Besser, L. J. Burns, J. Cerny, R. Drexler, T. Hahn, L. Idossa, B. Jahagirdar, N. Kamani, A. Loren, D. Mattila, J. McGuirk, H. Moore, J. Reynolds, W. Saber, L. Salazar, B. Schatz, P. Stiff, J. R. Wingard, K. L. Syrjala and K. S. Baker (2019). “Randomized controlled trial of individualized treatment summary and survivorship care plans for hematopoietic cell transplantation survivors.” Haematologica 104(5): 1084-1092.
Survivorship Care Plans (SCPs) may facilitate long-term care for cancer survivors, but their effectiveness has not been established in hematopoietic cell transplantation recipients. We evaluated the impact of individualized SCPs on patient-reported outcomes among transplant survivors. Adult (>/=18 years at transplant) survivors who were 1-5 years post transplantation, proficient in English, and without relapse or secondary cancers were eligible for this multicenter randomized trial. SCPs were developed based on risk-factors and treatment exposures using patient data routinely submitted by transplant centers to the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research and published guidelines for long-term follow up of transplant survivors. Phone surveys assessing patient-reported outcomes were conducted at baseline and at 6 months. The primary end point was confidence in survivorship information, and secondary end points included cancer and treatment distress, knowledge of transplant exposures, health care utilization, and health-related quality of life. Of 495 patients enrolled, 458 completed a baseline survey and were randomized (care plan=231, standard care=227); 200 (87%) and 199 (88%) completed the 6-month assessments, respectively. Patients’ characteristics were similar in the two arms. Participants on the care plan arm reported significantly lower distress scores at 6 months and an increase in the Mental Component Summary quality of life score assessed by the Short Form 12 (SF-12) instrument. No effect was observed on the end point of confidence in survivorship information or other secondary outcomes. Provision of individualized SCPs generated using registry data was associated with reduced distress and improved mental domain of quality of life among 1-5 year hematopoietic cell transplantation survivors. Trial registered at clinicaltrials.gov 02200133.