Minimally Invasive Colon Cancer Surgery.

Katerina Wells M.D.
Wells, K. O. and A. Senagore (2019). “Minimally Invasive Colon Cancer Surgery.” Surg Oncol Clin N Am 28(2): 285-296.
Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. Advances in surgical resection techniques, including minimally invasive colectomy, are becoming a standard of care. The oncologic principles of colectomy have included adequate lymphadenectomy, proximal ligation of primary vessels, and resection with adequate longitudinal margins. More recently, complete mesocolic excision has been advocated. Open and minimally invasive approaches must accomplish the same outcomes. This article focuses on the surgical principles of colon cancer, perioperative considerations, and technical aspects of minimally invasive colectomy. We review the current literature regarding oncologic and short-term outcomes of minimally invasive surgery.