Care partner problem solving training (CP-PST) for care partners of adults with traumatic brain injury during inpatient rehabilitation: Study protocol for a multisite, randomized, single-blind clinical feasibility trial.

Simon Driver Ph.D.
Juengst, S. B., V. Silva, Y. Goldin, K. Cicerone, J. Lengenfelder, N. Chiaravalloti, S. Driver, D. Mellick, G. Dart, C. L. Kew, A. Nabasny and K. R. Bell (2019). “Care partner problem solving training (CP-PST) for care partners of adults with traumatic brain injury during inpatient rehabilitation: Study protocol for a multisite, randomized, single-blind clinical feasibility trial.” Contemp Clin Trials 80: 9-15 [Epub ahead of print].
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) often leads to immediate and chronic functional impairments that affect care partners, or those providing physical and/or emotional support to individuals with TBI. The many challenges associated with being a care partner often lead to caregiver burden and can compromise the well-being and quality of life of care partners and individuals with TBI under their care. Equipping care partners with problem-solving skills could facilitate and sustain their transition into this supportive role. Problem-solving training (PST) has demonstrated efficacy for providing such skills to care partners of individuals with TBI after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation. We propose that PST delivered to care partners during inpatient rehabilitation of individuals with TBI will provide care partners with the skills to manage their caregiving roles across the transition from hospital to home. Herein, we describe the methodology of a current randomized controlled trial that examines the feasibility and efficacy of PST plus TBI education compared to TBI education alone to improve care partner burden, emotional distress, and adaptive coping when delivered during the inpatient rehabilitation stay of individuals with moderate-severe TBI.