Vasopressin antagonism for decompensated right-sided heart failure.

Susan M. Joseph M.D.
Vidic, A., J. E. Shuster, Z. D. Goff, A. Godishala, S. M. Joseph, J. T. Chibnall and P. J. Hauptman (2019). “Vasopressin antagonism for decompensated right-sided heart failure.” Int J Cardiol 274: 245-247.
BACKGROUND: Targeted treatment for decompensated right heart failure (RHF) with or without left heart failure is lacking. Vasopressin antagonists (vaptans) may offer an option by increasing urine output and fluid mobilization when used in acute decompensated RHF without impacting blood pressure or renal function, both common complications of loop diuretics. METHODS AND RESULTS: We searched electronic medical records from 2 institutions over 4years for patients with RHF treated with vaptans. Urine output, creatinine, BUN and sodium, 1day pre- versus 1day post-vaptan initiation were compared. Baseline (admission) pre-vaptan values for patients with RHF who met inclusion criteria (n=112) were RAP, median (interquartile range)=19 (13-24) mmHg; cardiac index, mean+/-standard deviation=1.8+/-0.4L/min/m2; BNP, 1078 (523-1690) pg/ml; creatinine clearance of 51 (39-69) ml/min, BUN, 37 (26-54) mg/dl, and serum [Na+] 132 (126-135) mEq/L. Most patients (n=103/112) received intravenous inotrope (prior to vaptan, n=91). Overall length of stay was 27 (16-43) days. Vaptan treatment (90% tolvaptan, 10% conivaptan) was associated with increased 24h urine output, 1517 (906-2394) vs 2337 (1425-3744) mL, p=0.005, and [Na+], 127 (124-130) vs 130 (126-135) mEq/L, p=0.001, without significant change in Cr or BUN. Furosemide IV dose equivalent decreased or remained unchanged in 75% of patients at 24h and 64% at 72h compared to the 24h prior to vaptan use. CONCLUSION: Vaptans were associated with a significant increase in urine output and serum sodium with an apparent reduction or stabilization of furosemide equivalent dosing in the early treatment period in patients with decompensated RHF. Vaptans may offer a management option for patients failing conventional diuretic-based treatment.