Cardionephrology: Proposal for a Futuristic Educational Approach to a Contemporary Need.

Peter McCullough M.D.
Kazory, A., P. A. McCullough, J. Rangaswami and C. Ronco (2018). “Cardionephrology: Proposal for a Futuristic Educational Approach to a Contemporary Need.” Cardiorenal Med 8(4): 296-301.
The field of cardiorenal medicine is vast, rapidly expanding, and complex. Conventional nephrology training programs provide the fellows with the necessary core knowledge to provide general care for patients with renal and cardiovascular diseases. However, there is a need for focused training of interested physicians to master the specialized aspects of these exceedingly common clinical scenarios and optimize the care of such patients. A cardionephrology-focused training can add value to the nephrology subspecialty and potentially increase its attractiveness for a significant subset of trainees. Herein, we provide a proposal for the framework and content of such an educational activity. Creation of an international multidisciplinary workgroup to formulate a comprehensive curriculum for a dedicated cardionephrology track would be the first step. A variety of practical aspects such as implementation methods, the identification of the required skills, and the development of educational assessment tools are discussed. While this proposal primarily focuses on the integration of the curriculum into the training of nephrology fellows, it would also be appropriate (albeit in a modified and customized format) for a wider range of trainees, including cardiology fellows.