Towards an assessment of perceived COPD exacerbation triggers: Initial development and validation of a questionnaire.

Mark W. Millard M.D.
Werchan, C. A., A. M. Steele, T. Janssens, M. W. Millard and T. Ritz (2018). “Towards an assessment of perceived COPD exacerbation triggers: Initial development and validation of a questionnaire.” Respirology Jul 13. [Epub ahead of print].
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Prevention of exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is important to decrease overall declines in functioning and improve quality of life. The present study sought to develop a psychometrically valid measure of perceived triggers of exacerbations in COPD patients, the COPD Exacerbation Trigger Inventory (CETI). METHODS: Participants (n = 192) were recruited through local clinics and online to complete surveys of the CETI, demographic information, disease-specific information and the COPD Assessment Test (CAT). The CETI included a free response section on patients’ individual top triggers, combined with ratings of their controllability. RESULTS: Exploratory principal component analyses identified a stable 5-factor structure (33 items), from which trigger subscales for weather/climate, air pollution/irritants, exercise, infection/illness and psychological factors were formed (internal consistency Cronbach’s alpha = 0.90-0.94). Trigger factors were associated with COPD functional status, exacerbation frequency and healthcare utilization. Participants found personal triggers related to dust, air pollution, smoking and physical activity to be the most easily controlled, whereas those related to psychological factors, climate, infection, respiratory symptoms and sleep to be more difficult to control. Greater perceived controllability of triggers was associated with lower CAT scores, indicating better health status and less impact of the disease on functioning. CONCLUSION: The CETI is a psychometrically valid measure of perceived exacerbation triggers in patients with COPD. Perceived triggers are associated with clinical outcomes. Assessment of trigger classes and their controllability may prove useful in both research and clinical settings with COPD patients and to further our knowledge in prevention and disease management.