Use of a novel technique to manage gastrointestinal leaks with endoluminal negative pressure: a single institution experience.

Steven G. Leeds M.D.
Mencio, M. A., E. Ontiveros, J. S. Burdick and S. G. Leeds (2018). “Use of a novel technique to manage gastrointestinal leaks with endoluminal negative pressure: a single institution experience.” Surg Endosc. Jan 23. [Epub ahead of print].
BACKGROUND: Perforations and anastomotic leaks of the gastrointestinal tract are severe complications, which carry high morbidity and mortality and management of these is a multi-disciplinary challenge. The use of endoluminal vacuum (EVAC) therapy has recently proven to be a useful technique to manage these complications. We report our institution’s experience with this novel technique in the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. METHODS: This is a retrospective review of an IRB approved registry of all EVAC therapy patients from July 2013 to December 2016. A total of 55 patients were examined and 49 patients were eligible for inclusion: 15 esophageal, 21 gastric, 3 small bowel, and 10 colorectal defects. The primary endpoint was closure rate of the GI tract defect with EVAC therapy. RESULTS: Fifteen (100%) esophageal defects closed with EVAC therapy. Mean duration of therapy was 27 days consisting of an average of 6 endosponge changes every 4.8 days. Eighteen (86%) gastric defects closed with EVAC therapy. Mean duration of therapy was 38 days with a mean of 9 endosponge changes every 5.3 days. Three (100%) small bowel defects closed with EVAC therapy. Mean duration of therapy was 13.7 days with a mean of 2.7 endosponge changes every 4.4 days. Six (60%) colorectal defects closed with EVAC therapy. Mean duration of therapy was 23.2 days, consisting of a mean of 6 endosponge changes every 4.0 days. There were two deaths, which were not directly related to EVAC therapy and occurred outside the measured 30-day mortality. CONCLUSION: Our experience demonstrates that EVAC therapy is feasible and effective for the management of gastrointestinal perforations/leaks throughout the GI tract and can be considered as a safe alternative to surgical intervention in select cases.