Treatment of Posterior Dislocation of the Mandibular Condyle With the Double Mitek Mini Anchor Technique: A Case Report.

Larry M. Wolford D.M.D.
Albilia, J. B., H. Weisleder and L. M. Wolford (2017). “Treatment of posterior dislocation of the mandibular condyle with the double mitek mini anchor technique: A case report.” J Oral Maxillofac Surg: 2017 Oct [Epub ahead of print].
Posterior dislocation of the mandibular condyle is a rare disorder caused by trauma to the chin accompanied by damage to the external auditory canal. Treatment of posterior condylar dislocation (PCD) is directed at repositioning the condyle into the glenoid fossa, preventing recurrent dislocations, and maintaining patency of the ear canal. With early intervention, closed reduction with manual manipulation is successful but could be ineffective for chronic protracted PCD. This case report describes an elderly patient with a chronic protracted PCD resulting from a blow to the chin and in which manual reduction was unsuccessful. An open arthroplasty for condylar reduction and application of a “reverse” double Mitek mini anchor technique was required to prevent recurrence of PCD, with a successful outcome.