Rational Heart Transplant From a Hepatitis C Donor: New Antiviral Weapons Conquer the Trojan Horse.

Shelley A. Hall M.D.
Gottlieb, R. L., T. Sam, S. Y. Wada, J. F. Trotter, S. K. Asrani, B. Lima, S. M. Joseph, G. Gonzalez-Stawinski and S. A. Hall (2017). “Rational heart transplant from hepatitis c donor: New antiviral weapons conquer the trojan.” J Card Fail: 2017 Aug [Epub ahead of print].
BACKGROUND: Donors with hepatitis C (HCV) viremia are rarely utilized for orthotopic heart transplantation (OHTx) due to post-transplant risks. New, highly effective HCV antivirals may alter the landscape. METHODS: An adult patient unsuitable for bridging mechanical support therapy accepted a heart transplant offer from a donor with HCV viremia. Upon daily logarithmic rise in HCV viral load and adequate titers to ensure successful genotyping, once daily sofosbuvir 400 mg / velpatasvir 100 mg (Epclusa) was initiated empirically pending HCV genotype (genotype 3a confirmed after initiation of therapy). RESULTS: We report the kinetics of acute Hepatitis C viremia and therapeutic response to treatment with a new pangenotypic antiviral agent after donor-derived acute HCV infection transmitted incidental to successful cardiac transplant into a HCV negative OHTx recipient. Prompt resolution of viremia was noted by the first week of a 12 week course of antiviral therapy. Sustained virologic remission continues beyond 12 weeks after completion of HCV therapy (SVR-12). CONCLUSIONS: The availability of effective pangenotypic therapy for HCV may expand donor availability. The feasibility of early versus late treatment of HCV remains to be determined through formalized protocols. We hypothesize pharmacoeconomics to be the greatest limitation to widespread availability of this promising tool.