Anaplerotic treatment of long-chain fat oxidation disorders with triheptanoin: Review of 15 years experience.E

Charles Roe, M.D.
Roe, C. R. and H. Brunengraber (2015). “Anaplerotic treatment of long-chain fat oxidation disorders with triheptanoin: Review of 15 years experience.” Mol Genet Metab 116(4): 260-268.
BACKGROUND: The treatment of long-chain mitochondrial beta-oxidation disorders (LC-FOD) with a low fat-high carbohydrate diet, a diet rich in medium-even-chain triglycerides (MCT), or a combination of both has been associated with high morbidity and mortality for decades. The pathological tableau appears to be caused by energy deficiency resulting from reduced availability of citric acid cycle (CAC) intermediates required for optimal oxidation of acetyl-CoA. This hypothesis was investigated by diet therapy with carnitine and anaplerotic triheptanoin (TH). METHODS: Fifty-two documented LC-FOD patients were studied in this investigation (age range: birth to 51years). Safety monitoring included serial quantitative measurements of routine blood chemistries, blood levels of carnitine and acylcarnitines, and urinary organic acids. RESULTS: The average frequency of serious clinical complications were reduced from ~60% with conventional diet therapy to 10% with TH and carnitine treatment and mortality decreased from ~65% with conventional diet therapy to 3.8%. Carnitine supplementation was uncomplicated. CONCLUSION: The energy deficiency in LC-FOD patients was corrected safely and more effectively with the triheptanoin diet and carnitine supplement than with conventional diet therapy. Safe intervention in neonates and infants will permit earlier intervention following pre-natal diagnosis or diagnosis by expanded newborn screening.