TRIAL: Thieme Dissector ( thru 9/30)

Posted August 24th 2020

The Baylor Health Sciences Library is currently trialing (through Sept. 30th) all three volumes of Theime’s Dissector series:

The Thieme Dissector is organized by body region and into 90 dissection modules, featuring text, images, videos, and pop-ups. Instructors can reorder the sequence of modules and completely customize the text to match their preferences on how to dissect and what structures to identify. Instructors can also choose to include pop-ups showing muscle attachment, innervation and action in great detail. Students will benefit from the stunning, high-quality illustrations, adapted from the award-winning Atlas of Anatomy by Gilroy, et al.


Please take a look at Thieme Dissector and provide us with feedback on this resource.

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